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Terreno en Venta en Celaya

AMISTAD; Industrial Park Amistad, Celaya Guanajuato, México

U$D 62


El Sauz, Celaya - Guanajuato

Características principales










Industrial Park Amistad, Celaya Guanajuato, México Build to Suit Warehouses upto investor specifications in the Heart of the region where most Auto Assembly Plants are now manufacturing in Mexico, Located along Mex. Fed. Highway 45 Celaya-Salvatierra (just 11km from Celaya). Some key players already in the loophole are: Bridgestone, Magna, Delfingen, Alcoa, LTC Roll and Engineering, Mahle, USG Graphite , Diken International andTitanX. • Sustainable construction Projects in Mexico • Assists in site selection, asset management, infrastructure development • Build to suit, turnkey construction projects, in house design and engineering • Can assist in start-up management, joint venture projects, plus development and real estate consulting (Sale/Lease) • Celaya-Sur Amistad Industrial site includes the following amenities and site specifications: • Electrical service at 13,200v at each lot and a the possibility of 115,000v at investors request • Water accessibility of upto 150,000 gal. reservoir • 2 waste water treatment plants will be in operation at this Celaya, Gto. Park • Sanitary sewage system, at 18 inches • Natural gas available upto investor demands • Telecommunications, underground installations, wireless voice and data service will be available • Public lighting or street lighting LED 180W AT 35 METERS APART • In park roads/streets asphalt paved; 16 meters wide • Security 24/7, plus entire park is fenced for your peace of mind In-house Covenants will apply : to uphold design, image, security, integrity and property values Phase 1 of Amistad Celaya-Sur Industrial Park will consists of 62 hectareas, lots will be of module A (61,384 sq ft & B office area: 5607 sq. ft. • Floor thickness 6¨reinforced concrete • HVAC OFFICES • transformers of (2) 500kva Capacity • 5 door docks per module • Fire protection (hose racks)


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